I’m very pleased and excited to announce the publishing of my latest book, The LEADERS Model: Essential Practices For Today’s Leaders. Once again, I was blessed to work with Dr. John Stanko, my colleague and friend, as the co-author. This is the second such collaboration with John, having together wrote the book, The Leadership Carol: A Classic Tale For Modern Leaders, in 2017.
Our latest book is a more detailed description and explanation of the LEADERS Model that we introduced in The Leadership Carol. The content is a distillation of all the “essential” leadership knowledge and practices that John and I acquired primarily through our MSOL Program experience. This new book contains lots of stories and examples that helps readers understand, and, importantly, learn ways to apply the principles of the LEADERS Model to their professional and personal lives.
We’re privileged again to have my wonderful friend and renowned leadership author and practitioner, Ken Blanchard, write an endorsement. This is what he has to say about The LEADERS Model:
“I’ve been a long term ‘Raving Fan’ of Jim Dittmar and John Stanko and their work. So I was not surprised that I loved The LEADERS Model. The sub-title says it all: Essential Practices For Today’s Leaders. If you want to be a better leader, this book is a must read.”
You can can purchase our new book in paperback or a Kindle version at Amazon.com.
I hope you will enjoy reading The LEADERS Model as much as John and I did writing it. As we state in the book, “Leadership is a journey, not a destination.” May the words of this book be a blessing to you as you continue your leadership development journey.
Please share this announcement with family, friends, and colleagues.
Take care.
Jim Dittmar

James Dittmar is the Founder, President, and CEO of the 3Rivers Leadership Institute, through which he creates and delivers training and development that is transformational. Prior to this Jim founded the award-winning Geneva College M.S. in Organizational Leadership Program and served as Chair of the Department of Leadership Studies and Director of the M.S. in Organizational Leadership Program until 2015. Should you have any questions, comments or feedback, please contact him at jimdittmar@jimdittmar.com.