Looking for a great Christmas gift? Consider giving our book to someone you know.
You can get your copy at: https://www.amazon.com/Leadership-Carol-Classic-Modern-Leaders-ebook/dp/B0725GB5VS "Don't be a Scrooge Leader!"...
Looking for a great Christmas gift? Consider giving our book to someone you know.
Podcast with Phil Gerbyshak
My recently published article: “Ethical Decision-Making: Getting Better at Doing Right”
Our Latest Book: The LEADERS Model
Decision Making: Good Implementation or Bad Implementation–That is the Issue.
No One Likes a “Bully” Leader.
Does the Leader REALLY “Motivate?”
Are you a “know-it-all” leader?
Stewardship: The “S” in the L.E.A.D.E.R.S. Model